Stop being cheap

Goce Veleski
2 min readDec 24, 2021

This is something that I use it as a constant reminder to myself. Not just for me, because I’ve learned the hard way that cheap design is never profitable, even when it’s made in large quantities. It’s simply exhausting and it costs you more that you’ll ever make from that. Even if the numbers are pretty good.

Just don’t.

But this is not only for the designers, this article is dedicated to all the clients out there. I always ask them one question if they start negotiating my price. It’s pretty simple question thou

“How the fuck do you expect to run a business if you are not ready to pay for it?”

Yeah, I know that the world is not spinning around the logo, but don’t be a fucking cheapskate for it. You’ve found me, so you’ve done your research, you know what to expect from me as a designer. You’ve seen my experience and you didn’t came to me with a 50$ offer for a logo. No, no, no sir. Fuck you and your 50$. Keep ‘em. You probably need them more than me. I will be perfectly happy without them. If you are in a tough position, grow a pair and tell me your situation and I’d be happy to make a negotiation with you, either we’ll make a deal for a future payment when you get on solid ground, or even I’ll say fuck it let’s do this right, it’s on me. I’ve had situations like that, where the idea is so fucking cool that I had to make the logo for it.

And it worked perfectly.

BUT, don’t you dare come in my studio (house) and ask for something cheaper. I won’t come to your place of business and argue with you about the products that you offer. You have organic tomatoes that cost X amount of money, I’m either able to afford them or I go to another place of business. Simple math.

Now, back again at the designers. Why the fuck would you even consider underestimating your skills? Why do you degrade your work? How do you sleep at night? Never ever lower your standards, that makes you weak in front of the client and there is a huge possibility that the same client will bring you more clients that will be shittier and will try to downgrade you. Why? Because they can.

Stay sharp, be awesome, and stand your grounds.

Until next time.



Goce Veleski

I make logos and people like them. Also writing some stuff about logos and probably people will like that too. Also I use curse words a lot. You’ve been warned.